Write SQL Query to display current date.
Ans: SQL has built in function called GetDate () which returns current timestamp.
Mention the difference between clustered and a non-clustered index?
- A clustered index is a special type of index that reorders the way records in the table are physically stored. Therefore table can have only one clustered index.
- A non clustered index is a special type of index in which the logical order of the index does not match the physical stored order of the rows on disk. The leaf node of a non clustered index does not consist of the data pages. Instead, the leaf nodes contain index rows.
Write an SQL Query to find names of employee start with ‘S’.
Ans: SELECT * FROM Employees WHERE EmpName like ‘S%’.
How will you find the 3rd max salary in the employment table?
Ans: Select distinct salary from employment e1 where 3= (select count (distinct salary) from employment e2 where e1.salary<=e2.salary)
the salary of abel
sol: select last_name,salary from employees where salary>(select salary from employees
where last_name='abel';
2.I need all last_name,job_id such that all the job id's must be
whose employee id is 14
sol: select last_name,salary from employees where job_id=(select job_id from
employees where employee_id=14;
3.Write a query to find the salary of employees whose salary is greater
than the salary of employee whose id is 100?
sol: select last_name,salary from employees where salary>(select salary from
employees where employee_id=100);
4.Write a query to find the employees who all are earning the highest salary?
sol: select last_name from employees where salary=(select max(salary)
from employees);
5.Write a query to find the departments in which the least salary is
greater than the highest salary in the department of id 200?
sol: select department_id,min(salary) from employees group by department_id having min(salary)>
(select max(salary) from employees where employee_id=200)
6.Write a query to find the employees whose salary is equal to the
salary of at least one employee in department of id 300?
sol: select employee_id,last_name from employees where salary IN
(select salary from employees where department_id=300)
7.Write a query to find the highest earning employee in each department?
sol: select employee_id,last_name from employees where salary
IN( select max(salary)
from employees group by department_id);
8.Write a query to list the department names which have at lease one employee?
sol: select d.department_name,department_id from departments d where exists
(select 1 from employees e where e.department_id=d.department_id)
9.Write a query to get the department name of an employee?
sol: select e.last_name,(select department_name d from departments d) from employees e;
10.Write a query to find the employees whose manager and department should
match with the employee of id 20 or 30?
sol:select employee_id,manager_id from employees where (employee_id,manager_id)
IN(select manager_id,department_id from employee_id IN(20,30);
11.Write a query to find the employees whose salary is greater than
at least on employee in department of id 500?
sol: select employee_id,last_name from employees where salary
>=any(select salary from employees where department_id=500);
12.Write a query to find the employees whose salary is less than
the salary of all employees in department of id 100?
sol: select employee_id,last_name from employees where salary
<all(select salary from employees where employee_id=100);
EXISTS-EXISTS is a Comparison operator, which is used to check
====== and match records between two queries on correlation basis and
returns a BOOLEAN output (TRUE or FALSE).
1. select e.emoloyee_id,e.last_name from employees e where exists
(select * from departmets d where d.demartment_id=e.department_id);
2. select e.emoloyee_id,e.last_name from employees e where not exists
(select * from departmets d where d.demartment_id=e.department_id);
3. update employees e set e.employee_id=999 where not exists
(select * from department d where d.department_id=e.department_id);
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